Harry Rodeos

Harry Rodeos

Experimental Artist
Video Art - Music

Nationality: german, rhenanian
lives in Constanza, Republica Dominicana

Harry Rodeos comes from an artistic house in Lower Rhine Monchengladbach.

His grandfather, Harry Rodeos sen., was a circus performer with his own Wild West Show. Cousin Theo Rodeos started to study the techniques of the Old Dutch Masters since childhood, but now works as a psychologist and about the other cousin, Franky Rodeos, a student of Joseoh Beuys, one surely don't need nothing to say. His parents' house was filled with Jazz from Bunk Johnson over Lionel Hampton to Dizzy Gillespie.

At school he met the son of the director of the theater, which was very important for his artistic impetus. By playing were made up stories, toys redesigned, literature striped, a Beat Band established and finally record covers for fictitious music groups designed.

It was the 'Swinging Sixties' with Pop Art, Happenings, The Beatles, transcendent spirituality and the vision of the Age of Aquarius that shaped his later work.

As a teenager, he very early came in contact with Krautrock, but always remained his roots in Jazz faithful. Journeys brought him into the art and music operation of Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Paris, as well as Andalusia and North Africa. Partly he was in Amiens, France, where in the 'Maison de la Culture', he discovered and learned to love the sound world of Luc Ferrari.

Finally, he applied to the University of Design in Bremen (today HfK) to study art and design. The restriction on just one subject just needed a short time of thinking, since there were the late sixties fictive record covers. Initially a heady pubertal act, the creation of contemporary collages made a profound base to develop his very own special universe, somewhere between Kurt Schwitters idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk and Enrique Vila-Matas A Brief History of portable literature.

What always particularly attracted him to the collages was the fact that the result by all planning, through the images found, always depends at coincidence. Because he all the time has been the opinion that creativity is something that dwells inside of someone and inevitably pushes outward, he felt vindicated by André Breton and turned his focus on nature.

The next quarter of a century he spent as garden-and-landscape designer on his own company, without to lose sight of his art project and his music.

Further journeys led him to the Caribbean, where finally he settled down at the beginning of the 21th century. 2006 for him started the computer age. Not only the collages and the music were digitized and brought together the previously separate areas of music and the special universe of photo collages plus backstory, it also opened up with video an entirely new genre. Video Art that superficially appearing as music clips, aiming at a unity of image and sound to bring in harmony the creative tension of the soul with the vibrations of the world..

What began with Dada and Surrealism led over Pop Art to Lowbrow Art will now be expanded to Irrealism.

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